From the Principal
It takes a village to raise a child
It is with great excitement that I share a small adjustment to our care group system for next year. From 2021, Tuesday mornings have seen senior students engage in Options Infinity while Middle Years students have had focused Care Group time. The successes that we have seen in having age focused content and activities in these two programs as well as current research showing similar findings, have led us to planning for a small change in our Care Group structures. From 2024, each Village will have two Care Groups with students from Year 7-9 and two Care Groups with students from Years 10-12. The Village structure and other pastoral structures will remain the same. Students will still meet regularly as a Village, as year level groups and as a whole College for Chapel and assemblies. Village and inter-Village activities and competitions will continue to be a valued part of the calendar.
The personal development and individual care of each young person in our community is our key priority at Endeavour College. Wellbeing includes a complex entwining of physical, cognitive, emotional and social health factors which strongly impact life satisfaction.
A sense of belonging, and purpose and an inclusive environment enables students to do their best learning. Our holistic pastoral care program strives to build awareness in students, which in turn leads to growth in confidence, resilience and empathy.
At Endeavour College, we have eight Villages. Each Village is a unique/distinctive team, each with their own spirit and identity. The Village members develop independence, interdependence and serve the College and wider community by interacting and connecting through a range of opportunities, experiences and activities. Students and staff foster relationships through leadership, mentoring, encouragement, and support.
Within this Village structure, every student has their own dedicated Care Group. Before the first lesson of the day, Care Groups meet to share notices, information, successes and challenges and devotions. It is a welcoming, encouraging and positive environment in which to commence each school day.
Middle Years schooling (Years 7 to 9) is a unique phase in the Reception to Year 12 continuum as students navigate the transition from childhood to adolescence. Social changes for early adolescents lead to a shift in focus from family to peers, with a strong desire for social acceptance and belonging.
Senior Years (Years 10-12) education is future-focused as these young people follow their passions, have increased advocacy and choice. They are respected as young adults and guided and supported and they are encouraged and challenged to accept greater responsibility and have broader awareness. At Endeavour College we understand the vital importance of providing a nurturing and supportive environment for all students.
We continuously review and reflect on our structures and processes and in particular the Care Group structure, to consider the best way in which to engage all students and transition students through these important formative years. Our primary focus continues to be full engagement and participation and to meet the daily needs of students ranging from 11 to 18 years of age.
In 2020, we saw the introduction of Options Infinity, which allowed us to intentionally embed our Vision for Learners and empower our senior students to develop their independence, advocacy and voice to initiate activities that were of benefit and interest to them. When Senior Year students have had Options Infinity, Middle Years students have had a Middle Years focused Care Group. As a result, Middle Years students have experienced significant growth and have embraced opportunities to focus on age-appropriate Pastoral Care programs and activities, whilst providing our Middle Years leaders authentic opportunities to lead and engage their peers in Years 7, 8 and 9. This time has allowed our students to become better team players, develop trust in each other and understand and accept each other’s uniqueness.
Our programs aim to foster independent learning to develop competent, self-motivated, confident and adaptable thinkers who are deeply involved and interested in what they are doing and are keen to take ownership of their learning and preparing them for life. We recognise that by the time students reach Senior Years they are approaching young adulthood and have changing needs. They are ready to take more responsibility, to use their own initiative, and to work independently.
Research suggests that 3-year cycles for student-teacher relationships work well and allow strong supportive connections. The new configuration will allow the Directors of Middle and Senior Years and Year Level Leaders to work closely with the Care Group teachers of Middle or Senior Years to deliver well-considered, contemporary, age-appropriate Pastoral Care programs and best care for all students. Counselling, and Adaptive Education staff, the Ministry team will all continue to support the new model in their areas of expertise to ensure best outcomes for all young people you entrust to us.
Please feel free to contact either Ms Louisa Mulligan, Ms Sharon Ward, or myself if you have any questions.
Warm regards,
Richard Baird