Visual Arts Life Skills - Steampunk Sculptures

This term the Visual Arts Life Skills students have been investigating the Steampunk Aesthetic. Using donated and found objects, such as Lego, metal objects, cogs, clocks, chains, students glued things together to make their gorgeous Steampunk vehicles.


The students watched the movie Hugo and analysed Steampunk fashions, glasses, clocks, industrial and steam technology. They explored ways in which ideas and experiences of the world are represented and looked at how society changed with each new technological development. 


They began by experimenting with collage and spray painting surfaces. Then had free time playing and assembling, experimenting, consulting, collaborating and reminding ourselves of the brief.


When happy with their components., they used hot glue guns to attach the pieces to the toy. Then spray painted an undercoat primer, followed by a black coat of paint and finishing objects with light sprays of metallic brass and copper paints. 


Everyone had fun exploring ways in which different ideas and meanings are developed in artworks using a range of materials, techniques and processes. 

Penni Robinson - TAS Teacher

Western Sydney Wanderers All Abilities Gala Day

The Support Unit enjoyed the All Abilities Gala Day with the Western Sydney Wanderers in Rooty Hill. They participated in multiple activities and soccer training games throughout the day.