21-Day Self-Care Challenge for Wyndham Staff

As we bid farewell to the 21-Day Self-Care Challenge, let us give ourselves a pat on the back for a job well done! During lunchtime breaks, over the past few weeks staff have been taking a breather, connecting, and having a bit of fun with self-care. 


Week 1: November 13 - 19, 2023

Mindful Monday with Mona - gave us a gentle start, setting the tone for a serene week.

Tuesday - Gratitude Journaling with Juanita - turning ordinary moments into sources of joy.

Wednesday - Diwali Celebration with Nitha  & Angela -sharing the joy of India's biggest holiday.

Thursday - Creative Time with Ann-Maree - expressing ourselves freely making our own Christmas crafts and cards.

Friday - Active Break - stretched for 10 minutes and a short walk 

Saturday - Digital Detox - disconnected from screens and rediscovered the joys of the offline world.

Sunday - Relaxation and Self-Care - indulged in a relaxing activity, from warm baths to deep breathing exercises.

Week 2: November 20 - 26, 2023

Monday - Mindful Movement with Su - practiced mindful movement activities like yoga, bringing a sense of calm and focus.

Tuesday - Random Act of Kindness - performed a random act of kindness or spent time reflecting on personal goals.

Wednesday - Healthy Nutrition with Brendan - made delicious healthy snacks, explored new recipes to nourish the body.

Thursday - Dancing with Sarah and Bridgett - dancing fun, shaking off stress both physically and mentally.

Friday - Mindful Morning with Mona - free mindfulness meditation, starting the day with a clear and focused mind.

Saturday - Music Therapy - listened to uplifting music or engaged in music-making

Sunday - Self-Care - engaged in a self-care activity of our choice, recharging for the week ahead.

Week 3: November 27 - December 3, 2023

Monday - Hobby Exploration Gardening with David - planted seedlings and discovered new hobbies, fostering a sense of community and exploration.

Tuesday - Story Telling with Sara - immersive storytelling experience, celebrating diverse narratives.

Wednesday - Outdoor Fitness with Shannon - exercising outdoors, enjoying the benefits of physical activity.

Thursday - Play Table Tennis with Shubbam and Lachlan - played table tennis, showcasing that fun and relaxation can go hand in hand.

Friday - Reflection and Celebration with Angela and Nitha - reflected on achievements and celebrated the 21-Day Self-Care Challenge - Digital Detox Evening - screen-free activities like reading or board games, embracing a calm evening.

Saturday - Relaxing Bath Ritual - indulged in a soothing bath with essential oils, candles, and calming music.

Sunday - Nature Break - a walk outside and immersed in nature with a guided audio tour.

What It Meant:

  • A bit more mindfulness and a bit less stress.
  • Connections formed and strengthened among colleagues.
  • A sprinkle of creativity and healthy snacks in our routines.
  • A touch of positivity in our school community

This challenge was a small gesture toward self-care and community. Thanks to everyone who participated! Let's continue the positive energy and maintain the well-being spirit.

Mona Kamel - TAS Teacher