Developmental Coaching Approach 

The inaugural, Professional Development course, “An Introduction to Adult Development and Developmental Coaching for High School Teaching Staff”, was presented to a cohort of Wyndham College staff during week 5 of this term.


The course was presented by Dr Michael Cavanagh, Clinical Psychologist and Deputy Director of the University of Sydney Coaching Psychology Unit, and our very own school, CLOWN, (Community Liaison Officer Wyndham Nirimba), Leon Naufahu, assisted by Kevin Sinclair of the Nardoo Partnership.


Constructivist-developmental theory is a theoretical basis offering practical strategies for interacting, conversing and building relationships with our students, teaching colleagues and even our friends and families. Indeed, such an approach is positively aligned with human growth and development across the lifespan, enabling a transformational journey for everyone, regardless of age or experience.


In Term One 2024, we hope most of our student body takes advantage of the various coaching opportunities offered, no matter our students' goals or aspirations. The developmental coaching relationship, as differentiated from Remedial, Skills or Performance Coaching, provides learning opportunities that:

  • work towards building our abilities to take different perspectives,
  • uncover our patterns of commitments that help us achieve or hinder our goal achievement,
  • maintain positive approaches and beliefs in our possibilities and
  • offer realistic ideas and feedback about how we are situated in our lives to make progress.

At Wyndham College, we believe that providing such coaching opportunities for our students and teachers will directly contribute to school culture and learning outcomes for everyone. Developmental Coaching at the College is being monitored and studied with interest by the NSW Department of Education, with the potential to be introduced further across the education system. Again, Wyndham College is proud to be at the forefront of innovation and evidence-based approaches to student support that make learning and development the centre of the senior school experience.


Thanks, and praise to our first cohort of staff: Rachel Kelso, Juanita McMillan, Michelle Bromley, Rohit Prakash, Fiona Prott, Sally Govett, Karen Tuynman,  Joanne Andrew and Riverstone High School’s Careers Adviser, Brittney Cull.

Leon Naufahu - Communiy Liason Officer

The Safer Drivers Course

National Driver Education is accredited by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) as a provider of the Safer Drivers Course for Learner Drivers.


The Safer Drivers Course was developed by TfNSW to assist young learner drivers to transition from being a supervised learner driver to being a safer unsupervised driver when they attain their P’s.


Learner drivers earn 20 bonus hours in their logbook at the completion of the course.


MODULES 1 & 2 ARE CONDUCTED ON THE SAME DAY. Refreshments, Morning Tea and Lunch provided.




Sunday 10th December 2023




Visit www.ndeaustralia.com.au to book a course, use the app. or call 02 9853 3243.


N.B. Free course for disadvantaged learner drivers. The NSW Government is offering 1000 free places on the Safer Drivers Course each year to help young learner drivers from disadvantaged backgrounds and Aboriginal communities. The fee exemption allows those who are financially disadvantaged to benefit from the road safety outcomes of the Safer Drivers Course.

African Youth Initiative

Our students from an African background participated in a cultural and wellbeing focused Cooking Workshop this term. They also had the chance to talk to African Youth Initiative (AYI) mentors and enjoyed sharing some cooked jollof rice. Wyndham's partnership with AYI aims to provide African cultural connection, education, and awareness for both students of African descent and the wider school community.