From the Enviro Team

Did you know who is the most POWERFUL at MGC!?

No, it turns out it’s not Ms Stubley!

Not Ms Robertson nor Ms Liprino!


The term 3 Human powered generator competition has come to a close and we are vey happy to announce the winners.


For three weeks, the MGC Environment team, led by Energy Environment Captain Clara Batten, has supervised a pedal and rowing competition to establish who is the most powerful at MGC!

Over the duration of the competition 1,813 watt hours were generated and fed into the local electricity grid. This provides enough energy to recharge 90 iPhone 12s from empty, run 10 MGC digital classes or almost enough energy to run the 2023 pedal cinema!

The most powerful person at MGC turns out to be Phoebe Downie of 8C, who generated 23 watt hours in a single 5 minute race!

Phoebe will be awarded her $50 Sephora voucher at the next year 8 assembly.

The Enviro team decided on awarding a Sephora voucher to the winner to recognise Sephora’s environmental leadership: Did you know that Sephora now provide recycling bins at all their stores and accept all skin care or beauty product packaging, no matter what the brand? Sephora partner with recycling gurus Terracycle to ensure that all components are recycled! How good is that!?


We have a Sephora Bin for skin and beauty products located at MGC. It sits alongside our hard to recycle items in our recycle hub as part of our commitment to the Zero waste to landfill campaign.

The student who contributed the most energy over multiple sessions is year 7 champion, Frankie Hackwood, who generated 105.1 watt hours over the duration of the competition. The most powerful year 7 student, Alina Rudd Hansen generated 20.04 watthours in a single 5 minute race! 

It turns out that House spirit is pretty evenly spread, with Maris contributing the most energy, only just outproducing Melba by 1%.

The most powerful year level is clearly year 7s, who contributed almost half the energy throughout the competition. The staff, while severely outnumbered barely managed to produce as much as the year 10 cohort. It looks like we will need to host a rematch in Term 4 to see if we can out-pedal our air conditioners. Who knows, perhaps Ms Stubley will jump on a bike and see if she can rightfully claim to be the most powerful at MGC! 


The Human generators are available for classes, staff and students to hop and use at any time during the school day. They are always connected to the grid, so any electricity you generate will be used to power our devices at MGC! The more we generate on site, the less electricity we buy from the grid, which means less greenhouse gas pollution from fossil fuel generated electricity, lower electricity bills and healthier people!


The individual year level winners of the competition will each receive a Mars Bar (to celebrate paper packaged chocolates) and bag of pop corn. Winners will be presented with their prize in their wellbeing class next week.

Thank you to Ms Stephanie Kierce for creating the interactive data monitoring system that enabled us to track individual and group performance throughout the competition.