Assistant Principals' Report

Year 10-12 Assistant Principal Report: 

Renee Liprino

Holiday Exam Preparation 

A big thank you to all of the staff that came in over the holidays to support our Year 12s to prepare for their exams. It was great seeing everyone in a more relaxed atmosphere… and we even had a blue tongue try to enter the theatre to join the study!

Thank you to all the staff that also ran after school sessions before the holidays.


Year 12 Farewell Celebrations

I’ve been loving the farewell celebrations run by the Year 12s. On Wednesday We Wear Pink, Throw Back Thursday and Dress-Up Friday, produced some excellent costumes. I was very impressed with our students’ design ability, up-cycling the MGC summer dresses to become pink and bedazzled. The group singing during recess and lunch has been… interesting… a little out of tune, but very festive.

Thank you to the Parents and Friends Association (PFA) for organising the ice-cream truck for the Year 12s on their last day of official classes. Even the rain couldn’t dampen the everyone’s joy.


Year 12 Valedictory 

A huge thank you to Kate Nichols, Leigh Hanley, Tonia Douglas and Jodi Anderson for organising a brilliant Valedictory dinner for the Year 12s.

Thank you also to JB for her MC work, Paul Sturgess and Sandor for serenading us, the art team for packing and displaying the artworks and Rachel Robertson for her work on the presentation display.

It was so great to see all the students and their families together enjoying the evening and taking centre stage.

A highlight of the evening was our College Captains speeches. A big farewell to our 2023 captains – who were a joy to work with throughout the year:

  • Louella Breach
  • Ashna Sharma 
  • Clem Warren-Smith