St Justin's Positive Expectations

Throughout Term 3, school staff have been working closely with behaviour consultant Patrice Wiseman, to create Positive School Expectations for the St Justin's community.


These expectations outline the beliefs shared by all of us within St Justin's - that we believe in respect for self, respect for others and respect for our environment. With these overarching beliefs, staff came together to create four clear expectations that everyone at St Justin's agrees to adhere to:

  • We listen to and follow instructions
  • We move and act safely
  • We speak appropriately 
  • We care

The positive school expectations will give all members of the St Justin's school community - students, teachers and families, a common language to use when discussing behaviours and actions within and around our school. We want our community to be a positive, welcoming and happy one, where students and adults thrive and feel comfortable to be the best version of themselves. In consultation with Patrice, as well as staff and student leaders, the creation of these expectations will give a clear path moving forward in building and maintaining our positive school environment.


These expectations were presented to the school at assembly and all learning spaces within our school have posters on display that reflect our values.