Student Assembly Awards

Courage - Harmony  - Integrity

Week 1 Assembly Awards






1Brooklyn Integrityworking hard during her first week at MPS and showing tremendous growth in fluency reading. 
1Lily Courageconsistently pushing herself to set higher standards and embrace more challenging tasks.
3AbbyCourageconfidently and carefully reading during our fluency routine.
3PrinsaCourageconfidently speaking in class and sharing her ideas
4SavannahIntegrityalways engaging in your learning and working to the best of your ability.
4JasminCouragealways using a growth mindset in your learning, even when tasks may be challenging. Keep up the great work Jasmin! 
6ArchikaIntegritydemonstrating higher levels of self-control so that you can actively engage with group discussions in a respectful manner.
6JaxonIntegritygoing above and beyond to address all criteria to create an extremely high quality multimodal book review that was very engaging for the audience. 
7IsabelleHarmonyalways supporting other students by showing kindness to others. You are a model student constantly checking on the wellbeing of those around you and being an amazing friend.
7SamuelCouragechallenging yourself and showed immense courage by playing your amazing multimodal text in front of the whole class. Keep it up! Proud of you!
10TenzenHarmonyshowing respect for all members of room 10 and having a calming presence in the classroom. Keep it up Zenmaster Tenzin!
10SiennaCouragechallenging herself in our math lesson on angles, having the courage to stand up in front of the class and identify angles in a range of natural landscape photos.
11Ada RIntegritybeing a very active learner who is working hard every day to improve her knowledge of the world and become a powerful problem solver.
11Toby HCouragebravely volunteering to create and perform a musical piece at the Ukulele day next Friday in front of a crowd of complete strangers. 
We pursue our personal best – no matter who we work with. We have reasons for the things we say and do. We have great sense and are sensible. We do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.