Primary Life

Year 6 Parliament Excursion 

Mariah Reed - Year 6 Teacher


Amidst cries of 'Order! Order!' in a mock legislative assembly, Year 6 students found themselves in the hallowed halls of Parliament House. They even occupied Premier Jacinta Allan's chair! It was an immersive experience to grasp the workings of government, democracy, and lawmaking. 


The excitement continued with a tour of the Old Treasury Building, where we discovered the vaults that once held gold and the office where the Governor of Victoria signs new laws. 


A day brimming with knowledge and intrigue, leaving our oldest students with a deeper understanding of our democratic system and history.

Prep Botanical Gardens

Sheridan Pover - Prep Teacher


On Monday, the Preps boarded the bus, ready for a wonderful day of adventure at the Royal Botanical Gardens. We have been studying plants this term and were very excited to expand our knowledge of ‘all things plants’! 


Upon arrival we found a sunny spot to sit and enjoy a snack. We then commenced our tour of the magnificent gardens. Our first activity was to plant our very own plant to take home and care for. We planted, taking care not to damage the roots. We reinforced our knowledge of sunlight and water requirements for healthy plants. Continuing on, a walk through the lush green gardens led us toward many and varied types of plants where we enjoyed increasing our knowledge of pollinators and how plants attract them. 


It was wonderful to see God’s creation thriving and flourishing in the sunlight. We then stepped into a tropical paradise as we wandered through a ‘Green House’, learning about the different plants that like to live in a humid climate. Towards the end of our tour, we made a potpourri sachet to take home and enjoy its fragrance for many years to come. What a fabulous day we had enjoying God’s magnificent creation!

Year 1 Lilydale Lake Excursion

Keith Heng - Year 1 Teacher


On Monday, Year 1 students embarked on an excursion to Lilydale Lake. We thank God for the glorious weather all day as we ventured out to explore. Students happily played on the wonderfully designed playground and explored its surroundings.


Within their respective groups, they took time to reflect upon the playground's construction materials and its moving components. These experiences will help them in their final Makerspace challenge which will begin in the coming weeks as they design and create their own playground for our class mascots.


A heartfelt thank you goes out to the numerous parents who joined us, lending their assistance in supervising and preparing a delicious BBQ lunch. A special thank you to Mr. Ali Coffey, who not only provided all the BBQ equipment, but also coordinated the lunch. The day concluded with a delightful treat of Zooper Doopers back at school.