Ready, Set, Prep!

Tanya Vaughan - Head of Primary

I love the wonder and curiosity of little children – the questions they ask, the things they notice, the games they play. They think big, they are not bound by fear and there is an innate desire to learn, to know and to understand. 

It has been a privilege to share in the experience of interviewing each of the 2024 Prep students and parents over the past couple of months. Each little person, a precious gift to their parents, is being entrusted into our care as we begin a school-long partnership with their parents in the raising of the whole child. We look forward to getting to know each of their individual personalities, passions and story as they join our community and journey through the years of learning at DCC. 


The learning, the experiences beyond the classroom, the community, the culture of our school – they all matter, and every element is prayerfully considered and planned for from the moment these little learners join us in Prep and continuing across the years of learning that are before them.


With our Step Into Prep program around the corner for our 2024 Prep students, I am delighted to confirm that Helen Reid will continue leading the very capable Prep Team next year, with Katrina Martine, Brie Price, Sheridan Pover and Kellie Westcott being charged with the ongoing privilege of shepherding our newest and youngest learners to DCC. 


The preparations for 2024 continue across many levels of planning. Over the coming weeks, the teachers will come together to allocate classes for the year ahead. This process is complex and takes into consideration a variety of factors. Your classroom teacher knows your child well as a learner and will prayerfully consider them in the context of the cohort and their specific needs – academically, socially, emotionally, spiritually and physically. 


Every teacher will engage in a conversation with their students, asking them to nominate a selection of peers and friends with whom they would like to learn alongside next year. Whilst friends are important, teachers spend time considering a range of factors as placements are considered. As you talk with your child about the preparation for change, I encourage you to join us in this dialogue, and help your children consider the people who will be good for their learning, in all its shapes and forms.


If there are factors that you would like your class teacher to know or consider prior to their meetings with me, please be in contact with them this week, as we value the partnership we have with you. Please note that requests for specific teachers cannot be taken, rather a teaching style or considerations relevant to your child’s learning would be helpful to raise. 


In the rare situation that you may not be able to share information with a classroom teacher, Catherine Fernihough may be contacted for Junior Primary students, Jude Shields for Senior Primary students and I can also be contacted if information is of a particularly sensitive nature. The Year 1-6 class teachers for 2024 are in the final stages of allocation, with changes across most levels, which I will communicate to you later in the term.