Canteen News

Hello from the Canteen
Wow we can’t believe it’s week 6 already. A big thank you to all the families that pre-ordered lunches for sports day in week 2. This really helped the day to run smoothly! Also a special thank you to students Callum and Cheyenne for coming in early to help us pack the team donuts. And to parents Ceryle and Terry for helping with lunch and recess service and crowd control. It was a busy but enjoyable day!
Have you seen the flyer for the Christmas special happening Thursday next week? If not, please ask your child or their teacher. Don’t forget the donuts are pre order only, other items might have small amounts available for cash on the day. Pre-order for all items is encouraged and closes Tuesday morning 28th November.
Stock and menu update
Hot chicken rolls were very popular on Sports Day and we still have them on the menu at the moment. We also have Chocolate Platapops back in stock!
Just a reminder as we only have 3 weeks left this term, we are busy preparing for end of year stocktake and cleaning and as such, some menu items will not be restocked as they run out. This means we won't have lots of food sitting in freezers over Christmas and can start next year with fresh stock. There will be no hot food available on the last day of term to allow us to clean and shut down, but we will be open at lunch for students to purchase ice creams, drinks, and chips.
The Krazy Krush promotion is still running! 1 in 10 cups has a special sticker to win a free refill! The whole cup and sticker must be returned to claim the refill. This will continue until our promotional cups run out, we expect this should be at least until week 8.
Please keep an eye on the QKR! menu for stock availability.
It has been great to see some preschool orders coming in the last few weeks! Preschool students are welcome to take part in our special days and can order any of the items, including frozen treats, as these are special occasions.
Ordering cut-off time
Remember the cut-off time for QKR! orders is 8.50am each morning. Please check orders carefully and make sure you have selected the right day for your order. If ordering for more than one child, please check that the correct items are listed under each child’s name on the summary screen before you pay. If you have pre-ordered food on QKR! and your child is going to be absent, please cancel the order by 9.30am or it will be charged for. (Applies to lunch food items only. Drinks, snacks, and ice-creams can be held until the next day) To cancel, ring the front office and ask to be transferred to the canteen. Children arriving late wanting to do cash orders will have limited choices and will not be able to order after 10.30am. Thank you to the families who have let us know when your child is going to be absent, it means they can get the order on another day and is also reducing food wastage.