Community Hub

Term 4 So Far...
In Playgroup this week we talked about preparing for school. We read ‘The School Book’ by Todd Parr and asked questions about how each family prepares for Playgroup & School. There is a big demand every week to visit the chickens out the back of the Preschool and see if they have laid any eggs.
The English class have been learning what to say when visiting their local Doctor and how to order food and drinks when visiting a café. We tested this when we visited a café this week at Clovercrest shopping centre. What a great experience for everyone!
Last week we celebrated Diwali in the Community Hub. Diwali is a festival of lights that celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil and the human ability to overcome this. We had many community hub members attend this event and parents & grandparents from the school. We celebrated with Indian music, dancing & sweets and had a lot of fun as you can see by our photos.