From the Leadership Team

What a busy term so far...
We have definitely had a very busy term 4 so far and with 3 weeks left, we know this won't change. Teachers are currently finalising student reports and we are ensuring class structures are complete. At this stage, we are unable to announce any staffing information as we are still working to fill some of our teaching vacancies. We are hoping to have this completed in the next 2 weeks.
We have received quite a few new enrolments from families who are moving into our local area. This has resulted in our enrolment numbers being slightly higher in 2024. We also have a large group of Receptions beginning with us in term 1 2024 and now with a Mid Year Intake occurring in July, this will give us a great foundation moving into the future.
Our new Reception students have now had 2 visits to school and will participate in their final visit next week. It's an important experience for them where they get to spend time in a classroom, participate in some activities, meet different students and visit other spaces in the school. We look forward to having all of them begin with us next year.
Premier's Reading Challenge
This year we had a record number of students participate in and complete the Premier's Reading Challenge. In fact we have been recognised as one of the top 55 schools in the state and were invited to attend a reception at the Adelaide Zoo this week. Two of our Library Leaders, Sabine and Palak, attended the event with Carla (who coordinates our PRC) and myself and we were awarded with a certificate and books for our library. We were also lucky enough to meet Mem Fox and Phil Cummings, as well as Premier Peter Malinauskas, Education Minister Honourable Blair Boyer MP and our local member Michael Brown MP. After the presentation, we also got an opportunity to spend some time at the zoo. We will be awarding all participating students with their medals in a special assembly next Friday at 9.00am and look forward to seeing families there.
Community Involvement
Throughout the past year, we have really enjoyed the opportunity to welcome our families and community back into our school. We are extremely fortunate to have our Community Hub operating 3 days per week and providing lots of opportunities for everyone to engage. Have a look at the Community Hub report later in the newsletter to see the recent Diwali celebrations. It was amazing!
We also have Kick Start for Kids back working with us in the Breakfast Club which is now open 4 days each week. New volunteers have joined the team and we are very thankful for their involvement and the provision of this service to our school.
As a school, we welcome involvement from our local community and know the benefits to our students and families of this involvement. I look forward to seeing this grow next year.
Enjoy the next 3 weeks.