Junior School 

2024 House Captains 

The Year 5 students who applied for a 2024 leadership position of House Captain are to be commended on their excellent applications and speeches, as well as on the confidence, poise and resilience with which they conducted themselves during their interviews with the Heads of Junior School and the 2023 Sports and House Captains, all of whom commented that the applicants were exceptional. Congratulations to the following students who were acknowledged at the Junior School Remembrance Day assembly last Friday: 


Emma H – Blundell 

Christina M – Langley 

London K – Lloyd 

Emily BF – Thomas 

Maths Learning – Year 6 

Mrs Adlard’s Maths group recently showcased their creativity, teamwork, and courage in a remarkable way. Over the past few weeks, they've learned the BODMAS song, not just mastering the lyrics but also devising their own fun actions to accompany the tune. Their dedication and enthusiasm were evident as they practiced diligently to ensure a seamless performance. As they stood up in front of the school assembly, it was heartening to see how they overcame their nerves, to deliver a fantastic presentation, and left the audience in awe! This experience not only reinforced their understanding of the Order of Operations, but also instilled confidence in public speaking and the power of persistence. We can’t wait to see more of their talents shine in the future! 

Maths Learning – Year 2 

The Year 2s are currently focusing on 'Marvellous Measurement' in maths. We have explored the difference between formal (centimetres) and informal (counters) units of measurement and have had some fun with 'unifix cubes'. During this task, we needed to estimate the length of some objects around the classroom (hard for some of us when we don't like to be wrong!) and then measure the actual length using the cubes. Next, we had to measure people. In pairs, we lay down on the floor, with our feet against a solid surface and placed a push pin (carefully) at our head. We then used unifix to find the length. Measuring person number two was much quicker as we realised we could use the same unifix and either add or subtract some to calculate their length. Minnie and Grace worked magnificently together! Minnie was 76 unifix long. When Grace was measured, she was 8 unifix shorter, which the girls quickly calculated was 68 unifix long. Sophia and Mabel used the same strategy. Marvellous, magnificent maths, girls! 

JDC Geography Excursion

On Monday,  as part of the JDC geography unit on natural, built and managed features of places, we visited Sandringham beach. Students observed and sketched Red Bluff and the Sandringham Band Rotunda. 

Wellbeing: Fractious Friendships 

At this time of year, many children are tired and sometimes a bit fractious. They may be a little short tempered or overly sensitive, and this may impact on their friendships. It’s natural for loving parents to want to shield their children from feelings of hurt or rejection when they encounter difficulties with their schoolmates. However, tricky experiences are inevitable, but they can be valuable learning opportunities. Teachers strive to empower students to manage difficult emotions, navigate relationships, and grow from their experiences by developing the essential life skills of empathy, assertiveness, and conflict resolution. Parents can provide valuable support with this at home too by listening to their children’s experiences and emotions without rushing to try to solve their problems, and by affirming experiences as valuable opportunities for personal growth and the development of beneficial skills. It’s helpful to equip children with the resilience and strategies needed to navigate these challenges perhaps by discussing coping strategies like deep breathing, being creative, using positive affirmations, or focusing on positive friendships. 

Vicky Gemmell

Head of Junior School – Student Wellbeing and Development


Jacqui Sidaway

Head of Junior School – Curriculum and Innovation