
Dear Prep families,
Welcome to Term 4, Week 6! As we find ourselves at this point in the academic calendar, we're not only halfway through this term but also approaching the end of the entire school year. This is a time when our Prep students and educators can reflect on their achievements and progress, as well as set goals for the weeks ahead.
Term 4, Week 6, signifies that the finish line is in sight, and it's an opportunity to make the most of the time remaining in the term to assist our little Preppies to continue to excel academically and personally.
In Reading, students remain fully immersed in the enchanting world of narrative texts. They’ve been actively exploring the features of narrative literature and challenging themselves to identify these elements while independently delving into their personally chosen books. Furthermore, they have been risk-takers by exhibiting their knowledge and explaining their findings by providing reasoning to their peers.
Additionally, students have been given the opportunity to showcase their reading capabilities by actively participating in reading assessment through the Fountas and Pinnell platform. It’s truly heart warming to witness the eagerness with which students have embraced reading to their teacher and the exceptional effort they are investing in comprehending and engaging with the text.
In Writing, students have translated their acquired knowledge of narrative elements into crafting their own compelling narratives. They have drawn inspiration from our ongoing Inquiry Unit, ‘Where We Are In Place and Time,’ and the works of Julia Donaldson, who is our current author study.
It is truly delightful to observe student’s progression as they master the art of constructing complete sentences. They are honing their skills in connecting these sentences into cohesive parts, thereby giving life to engaging narratives.
In Mathematics, students have been introduced to the fundamental concept of subtraction. They have dived deep into various strategies that will empower them to proficiently tackle subtraction problems and have been prompted to articulate their thought processes. Additionally, students have actively participated in a series of explicit lessons that demonstrate the relationship between subtraction and addition, which serves to enhance their grasp of number and algebra. Furthermore, during weekly LED lessons (Launch/Explore/Discuss), it is evident that students are actively collaborating with their peers to address mathematical challenges by applying strategies and articulating the strategies used.
Christmas Carols
Students have showed such enjoyment when rehearsing their Christmas Carol lyrics and are enjoying the choreography of their dance. We are so excited for our end of year Christmas Carol celebration. We encourage families to read through the lyrics at home together with your child/ren. We look forward to seeing you at this important community event.
Remembrance Day
Students devoted time to deepen their understanding of Remembrance Day by engaging with the book ‘Where Poppies Now Grow,’ which narrates the story and symbolism of poppies in relation to Remembrance Day. Following the reading, students engaged in a detailed discussion, analysing and reflecting on the information presented. They then made poppies and assembled them into a wreath, symbolising their tribute to the importance of Remembrance Day, which was presented at our assembly.
No Hat, No Play
We would like to remind families of the importance of wearing a sun-smart hat during outdoor play. It is the policy of the school that all students wear hats for the first and last terms of the school year when participating in outdoor activities. Please ensure that hats are clearly labelled with the student's full name, as they can easily be misplaced. School hats can be purchased at the main office.
- Students are required to bring a hat to school everyday.
- Please ensure students are bringing fully charged iPads with headphones to school daily.
- We encourage students to practise learning the lyrics for their class's Christmas Carol at home.
- Students are required to be in their academic uniform, unless they have PE or dance classes, on which days they are permitted to wear their sports attire. Additionally, Fridays are designated as Sport Uniform Days. Students with long hair must have their hair tied back in a ponytail. Visible jewellery, nail polish, or makeup is not permitted.
Kind regards,
The Prep Team.