Wellbeing Report

Lets Be Sun Smart at Saltwater P-9 College

Protecting Your Skin from Sun Damage at Saltwater P-9 College



Greetings, Saltwater P-9 College! We all adore those sunny days, but it's super essential to shield our skin from the sun. As we head into the warmer months this term, please remember to bring your hats and wear them when we go outside.  


Too much sun can cause skin harm, so here's a kid-friendly guide tailored just for you:


The Power of Sunshine: The sun's rays are like gentle, warm hugs from the sky. However, too much sun can make our skin feel uncomfortable, crinkly, and even hurt our eyes.


Being SunSmart: We want to be super smart about the sun! When the sun shines really brightly (like on super sunny days), we need to be extra cautious. But on days when the sun is not as strong, we can relax a bit more.


Meet Vitamin D: Our bodies need a little bit of sunshine to create something called "vitamin D." But here's the cool part – you don't have to stay outside for a long time.


Steps to Shield Your Skin: Let's remember these steps to keep our skin safe and happy:


Slip: Put on clothes that cover your skin, like long sleeves and pants.

Slop: Apply a special sun lotion (it's called sunscreen) before heading outdoors. Don't forget to protect your nose and cheeks!

Slap: Rock a cool hat with a big brim to keep your face and neck in the shade.

Seek: Look for spots with shade, like under tree shadows, when the sun is super strong.

Checking Your Skin: Sometimes, we should take a peek at our skin. If we see any spots or things that change, it's important to tell a grown-up. They'll help us if something looks different on our skin.


So, let's be super SunSmart and make the most of our outdoor adventures while keeping our skin safe and happy here at Saltwater P-9 College! 


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