Environment & Sustainability 

News from the Chicken Coop

Thank you to the Bower and Dennis families for looking after our gorgeous feathered friends over the past few weekends. We heard you got lots of eggs, - yum!


URGENT!Volunteers are still needed for the weekends of 17-19 & 25/26 November, 2/3 & 15 December onwards.

Thank you to the families who have volunteered for this term so far. We still have 3 weekends left to fill as well as the school holidays. 

Each weekend during the school term families volunteer to go on the chicken duty roster to look after our school chickens. Chicken Duty involves letting the chooks out of their coop in the mornings and putting them away in the evenings as well as checking that they have enough water and food each day. It's really easy & doesn't take much time at all.

Duty families get to keep all the yummy eggs they collect over the weekend. An information sheet will be provided with all the details so you will know what to do.

Please email Mel at mkerwin@sjmitcham.catholic.edu.au  with a couple of your preferred dates and we’ll pop you on the roster for one of those. First in, first choice of dates!

Egg Lotto

The Environment Leaders will be out in front of the school on Wednesday afternoons from 3:15-3:30pm to sell tickets to parents or students.

All the money we make is put back into the keeping of the chickens for buying food and other resources. The next Egg Lotto draw will be Wednesday 8th November (due to school closure). There will be a few dozen eggs available to win so get your $1 raffle ticket soon. 

Circular Economy- do you know what this means?

Apparently 15% of Australians are familiar with the term “circular economy” but luckily you don’t need to know its name to be a part of it! 

The core concept of the circular economy: keeping valuable resources circulating and out of landfill.

Read on to find out more at https://www.cleanup.org.au/circulareconomy  


Thanks for your support,

The Environment Team