Class of 2023 Final Days

The class of 2023 had their final week of classes last week culminating with their Celebration Day and Final Assembly on Thursday morning.
The VCE students dressed up for classes on Tuesday and altered their uniform for Wednesday before being joined after school by the whole 2023 graduating class for some school 'decorating' and practice for assembly. While the 'decorating' left a bit of a mess, Mr. Sanders appreciated the help of Mr. Bright and Mr. Warren for their help tidying up and good humour at some of the practical jokes.
Thursday morning began with our traditional breakfast with staff and students at 7:30am and some of the sore heads were very thankful for Linda's bacon and egg rolls. Students then hid in the common room as the rest of the school went to the CVCC for the assembly.
The assembly was really well done with the Year 12's coming out in small groups and many doing choreographed dancers to the theme of their costume before sharing their excitement with the rest of the school (covering them with silly string and confetti). Our Captains did some great speeches and then it was capped off with a video made by Shanae Banfield that looked back on their journey through school.
Though classes have finished many still have their exams to complete and we wish them all the best. We look forward to celebrating with families at Graduation on Friday 17th November.