Sports Updates

Interschool Sport
Final ladder position for Interschool Sport. A great effort representing Sacred Heart in Summer sports this term 5s and 6s!
Congratulations to the Mixed Tee Ball team and the Girls Basketball team for making it through to the District Finals in Week 1 of Term 2 at Newport Gardens.
Individual Student Achievement
Recently, Kiara Frimston participated in the Little Athletics Victoria State Championships, held in Knoxfield. She competed in the Under 10 Girls High Jump and came second (with a jump of 1.20 metres), earning her a silver medal. To qualify for the State Championships, competitors need to compete at Regional Championships and then be in the top 24 of all kids in Victoria overall in their age group for that event. This year, 15,000 kids competed at Regionals, and only 1500 made it to compete at State. Our school community congratulates Kiara on her achievements in High Jump.