From the APRIM
Ms. Paula Burns
From the APRIM
Ms. Paula Burns
A huge THANK YOU to everyone for your amazing support for our Social Justice Action for Term 1 which was raising awareness and raising funds for Project Compassion. Combining profits from the sale of ice blocks, and students bringing in their Project Compassion boxed we raised the fantastic sum $500.
During this term we learned all about Project Compassion and where the funds go. We also learned about this year’s focal people Ronita, Memory and Leaia. We found out that Project Compassion supported Ronita to go back to school and finish her education, they helped Memory train to become the first female carpenter in her village and they also helped Leaia to build a water tank in her house.
The year 6’s then used these stories to create the activities for the rest of the school.
Hartzer’s focal person was Ronita and their activity involved creating and building schools using Lego, Duolingo, foam blocks and wooden blocks.
Chevalier’s focal person was Memory and their activity was cubby building, with the students using the real life materials to build cubbies.
Xavier’s focal person was Leaia and their activity was a water game with the students moving water from one end of the oval to the other using a small cup to fill a bigger container.
MacKillop House focused on Project Compassion and they used the water saving board game and the fighting poverty board game from Project Compassion resources.
Each house also ran a stall as keepsakes for the students.
A huge thank you to Mr Brnabic and all the year 6’s for the preparation before the event and the hard work and effort on the day. Well done and thank you.
Social Justice at St Brigid's
This term our social justice team ‘Hearts in Action’ will be deciding on what we will sell on Friday’s at the canteen. The charity we will be supporting this term is Catholic Charities. Our ‘Hearts in Action’ team will also be making soup fortnightly to support Hutt Street shelter for the homeless.
In Term 3, we will be working with the Parish and the Archdiocese team on a project entitled ‘Draw Near Project’. This project will be supporting Vinnies Refugee and Asylum Seeker Services.
Mother's Day
We wish all mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and special people a Happy Mother's Day on Sunday.
We look towards Mary, the mother of Jesus and our heavenly mother, as inspiration as she cared for, protected and loved her Son unconditionally. In this month of May, we pray to Mary to continue to guide us, comfort us and love us as she did her Son Jesus.
Yours in Love, Peace and Learning,
Paula Burns
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission (APRIM)