College News

Whole Emmaus community

On this page:  Fund the Ernabella Pool / Students Learning a Musical Instrument / Easter at Emmaus / Bluejays triumph in the 'Introduction to Basketball' Grand Final

You're helping to fund the Ernabella Pool

Through College activities such as the sausage sizzle at Sports Day and Casual Day at the end of the week, you and your child/ren are helping to fund the much- needed Ernabella Pool!


Please watch the video message from old scholar Neriah:

Is your child receiving instrumental tutoring at Emmaus? 

We'd like to remind you of the following process regarding lesson absences.


If your child is absent due to illness, please make sure to inform your tutor directly before 8am on the day of the lesson via email or phone. 

Students are not permitted to contact tutors directly via their own personal device as per our College Protective Practices Guidelines.


If your child is absent for any reason (including sickness or excursions),  tutors should be given as much notice as possible so that an alternate lesson time can be arranged. If an alternate time is unavailable, this lesson may be credited to the following term. 


It is the student's responsibility to remember their lesson time and their instrument. If they forget their lesson time, the tutor is not obliged to reschedule or credit the lesson.


In the circumstance where the tutor is ill, the tutor will advise their students and contact the College. The tutor will arrange to either make up the missed lesson or credit it to the next term's account. 


Thank you


Music Department Classroom Teachers

Instrumental Tutors and Administration 

Easter at Emmaus

Our College came together to celebrate the most significant season of the year with our inaugural Emmaus Christian College Easter Service. 


Never before have we gathered together as an entire staff and student body from Early Learning Centre to Year 12. There is no better reason for this than to celebrate Jesus!  


We worshipped, prayed and listened to the ultimate message of hope together, that Jesus died for us and paid the ultimate price so that we may rise with Him to receive new life.

“Why do you look for the living One among those who are dead? He is not here. He is risen.” Luke 24:4-6 (NLV)



We also had some wonderful activities at the College the week of Easter thanks to our Faith and Wellbeing Team:

  • Garden of Prayer
  • Brokenness Made Whole – Mosaic Cross
  • Palm Crosses
  • Breath of the Spirit
  • Thankfulness
  • What Do You See?

All these interactive and poignant activities were Jesus-centered and involved the students looking inward and then upward.


Bluejays triumph in the 'Introduction to Basketball' Grand Final

The Emmaus community wrapped up its Summer Season on a high note on Monday, with young athletes from Years 1-4 showcasing their skills in the grand finale of the Introduction to Basketball competition. 


This initiative, aimed at students from both campuses, serves as a foundational program for learning basketball fundamentals while promoting competition in a nurturing school environment. Since the launch of this program, it has been a joy to witness the Emmaus community come together, strengthening bonds as families from both campuses engaged in friendly rivalry and camaraderie. The program not only fosters athletic skills but also cultivates a sense of unity among participants.


The climax of the season was marked by the spirited final match, where six teams contended for their final medallion. In a thrilling showdown, the Bluejays took-out the championship title, edging out the Sparrows by a two points! 


We congratulate all our students for their hard work and growth they have demonstrated this season.


A special note of appreciation goes to our dedicated Sports Team, along with the parent and student coaches. 


If you'd like your child to engage in team sports and further develop their basketball skills within the Emmaus community, please reach out to us at