Year 7 News

Cam Bruce & Gareth Hose | Year 7 Coordinators

Interim Reports

Last week students received their Term 1 interim reports. The purpose of these reports is to provide information about the learning skills that your child demonstrates in the classroom. This includes skills such as personal organisation, work completion and remaining on task. We would like to thank the large number of parents who took advantage of the opportunity to meet with their child’s teachers during the Parent-Teacher interview day this week. Many productive conversations were held between parent, teacher and child. If you were unable to make an appointment with your child’s teacher, you are always welcome to contact them via email, direct message (SEQTA) or via phone to gain further information about their progress.


Athletics Sports

A huge congratulations to all students who participated in the Athletics sports trials recently. The weather was kind to us and our students got involved as competitors made the most of the opportunity to spend a day outside of the classroom. Special thank you to Jason and Brooklyn for everything you do in organising a lot of big events- you do a fantastic job!


School Values

Well done to three of our Year 7 students Xavier Skurrie, Jemma Hoffman and Seth Vassalo-Skinner who have gone above and beyond in and out of the classroom recently and were awarded a $5 canteen voucher each.

It’s fantastic seeing so many different students receive value awards come through on SEQTA.



Students and families are reminded that phones are allowed at school but need to remain in their lockers during school hours. Students are not to contact home. If at any stage they do feel like they need to contact home, they need to see their year level coordinators or visit the administration building. If caught on their phone during school hours, the consequence is an after school detention as per the Horsham College mobile phone policy.



We would like to congratulate our Year 7 students on a successful first term at Horsham College.  It has certainly been a busy time but they have adjusted well after the transition from primary school. We hope you all enjoy the upcoming break and that the students return to school refreshed and ready for the second term.