Sports News

Jason Revell & Brooklyn Fraser | Sports Coordinators


Well, done to all students who have participated in our Athletics this year.


We have nearly completed all the Field Events with some very impressive heights recorded during Tuesdays High Jump and some amazing distances thrown and jumped over the past week when students participated in Long and Triple Jumps, Javelin, Discuss and Shot Put.


All running events will be held Monday 15th April at the Dimboola Rd Oval commencing at 11.00am. Students who nominated to participate will receive a Direct Message via Seqta to remind them that Day 1 of term 2 is when this is happening.


Once this is completed results will be released and students will be notified of who has qualified to compete at Black Range level in Stawell on May 2nd.


Well done to those students who have participated and we look forward to assembling a very strong Athletics Team for the Black Range Carnival.