Year 12 News

 Kristin Pfitzner & Nick Rigas | Year 12 Coordinators

Term 1

Congratulations to all Year 12 students on making it to the end of a very busy Term 1. Many students have been working diligently to complete assessments and hand in work before the break.


Interim Reports and Parent Teacher Interviews have provided an excellent opportunity for students to reflect upon their progress so far and consider future areas of improvement. We appreciate those families who have taken the time to attend.


Thanks in advance to our Chaplain Yolande Grosser who will be organising a morning tea for Year 12 students and teachers on the last Thursday of term.


The upcoming holidays provide students with an opportunity to rest and refresh. The Year 12 Team wishes you a safe and enjoyable break!

Lunchtime sessions


Our lunchtime study skill and wellbeing sessions have recently commenced.


Mr Schulz presented a session on the Wim Hoff Breathing Technique. This breathing method involves simple deep breathing exercises and brief breath-holds. The method graduates to periods of faster breathing followed by longer periods of breath-holding between 1-1.5 minutes. One of the main health benefits of this method is stress relief.


Our Year 11 and 12 Academic Counsellor, Jenna Argall, has delivered a session focussing on time management and studying the school holidays. This is particularly important for Year 12 students who are trying to balance study with self-care. Students will be sent the relative resources from Jenna’s session via direct message on SEQTA.


Study Skills

Summary notes are useful when revising what you have learnt, considering areas that you understand and what you need to further work on. They also help with revision for assessment and exams.


When it comes to remembering content, reading and writing are not very effective as they don’t use many parts of the brain. Students are encouraged to incorporate listening, talking and discussion, in addition to teaching others and questioning into their routine to maximise their study.


Jenna (Argall) has also circulated a Powerpoint presentation to students regarding the preparation of summary notes.