
Upcoming events

** At time of publication dates were correct.  These may be subject to change.

School returns for all students on 

TUESDAY 30th April 2024

29/04/2024Open Boys Basketball - Shoalhaven 
30/04/2024Open Boys Basketball - Shoalhaven 
30/04/2024Boys to the Bush
1/05/2024State Carnival - Girls AFL - Albury
1/05/2024School Cross Country (P5&6)
2/05/2024Da Vinci Decathlon - years 7 & 8
2/05/2024Great Southern Rugby League Trials - Queanbeyan
2/05/2024State Carnival - Girls AFL - Albury
3/05/2024Da Vinci Decathlon - years 9 & 10
3/05/2024Stage 4 & 5 Report Outcomes Due to DK
3/05/2024Year 11 Reports Due to HT
3/05/2024Jumping Events - Stage 4 (P5&6)
3/05/2024State Carnival - Girls AFL - Albury

Extra-Curricular Participation

Participation in extracurricular activities (activities that are not related to subject specific curriculum) are not compulsory and participation in these activities is based on a student's positive commitment to school life at Narrandera High School. 


Examples of extracurricular activities are (not an inclusive list)

  • School sporting activities
  • Regional/State sporting representation 
  • Debating and public speaking competitions
  • Eisteddfods 
  • High Potential student activities
  • Creative Arts performances
  • Volunteering in the community
  • Non-curricular excursions 
  • Wellbeing Year Excursions 

Students may be excluded from extracurricular activities if 

  • They are on step 2 or step 3. 
  • They have been suspended in the previous four school weeks.
  • Their attendance in class is less than 80%.
  • They truant class and have been placed on Step 2 Attendance card. 
  • Stage 5 and 6 students who have outstanding N Determination warning letters. 

For students who have one or more of the above points, staff organising the excursion will need to seek the approval of the Deputy Principal or Principal for the student to attend. 

Year 7 & Year 10 Vaccinations

Vaccinations will take place at the school on Monday 13th May 2024.  More information will come closer to the date.












This is a rock band camp opportunity (including a rock choir). Applications are due Thursday 4th of April (in 2 weeks).


It's mostly focused on sub-genres of rock but I would encourage all singers and instrumentalists to apply it will be an unforgettable experience.


There is a fee, and students do have to travel (I'm not yet sure if the fee includes board and food).


Lastly students have to provided a link to an application video. If this is something they're not confident to do at home, you can direct them to speak to me about it and I will ensure they can create a good quality video.

Rachel Warren