Open Girls Touch

The girls had a tough start to the day coming up against a strong Temora High School team. It took the girls a while to find their feet with many of the girls not having played touch before.
Next up the girls took on Wagga High School. The game saw some excellent driving up the centre by Jaida, Charlie, Elsie and Sienna and great defence by Dezi and Kylah. The girls went down by 3 tries
Game three saw the team take on Hillston Central School . It was in this game that they finally found some combinations. Excellent speed busted up the middle by Bellah, Gemma and Charlie helped the girls win 6 tries to 1.
In the final game we played Kooringal High School despite good defence from Cadence, Zoe and Gorgie, we couldn't come away with a win.
Overall the girls had a great experience and showed significant improvement throughout the day.
Mrs Donaldson