Royal Easter Show

Thirteen Narrandera High School students from Stage 5 Agriculture, recently represented the school at the 2024 Sydney Royal Easter Agricultural Show. The students presented 21 animals to the judge in both open and school classes and achieved success in most classes. This year the students faced stiff competition from Peak Hill Central School and James Ruse High School, with Peak Hill taking out Champion School.
The students at Narrandera were awarded many placings in the classes they entered and were successful in the open junior buck class, the wether team of three, the wether production class and the production class for a team of three animals under 12 months old.
A highlight on the last day of judging was the individual success of students in the youth paradors classes with student placing in 4 of the first 5 places and places 1st to 5th in the wethers paradors. Youth paradors - 1st Jessica Wright, 2nd Hannah Beer, 3rd Eugene Close and 5th Lucy Gooden.
Youth wether paradors - 1st Jessica Wright, 2nd Julia Walsh, 3rd Lucy Gooden, 4th Hannah Beer and 5th Emmett Smith.
In the production classes where the animals are shorn and a combined value is given to the fleece and carcass, Narrandera High School were awarded places in the team of three animals under 12 months and the schools wether team of three.
Possibly the greatest success for the team was being awarded the Herdsman ship ribbon. This recognised the combined efforts of the students in looking after their animals and helping other exhibitors, stewards, and staff at the Sydney Royal Easter Show.
As a result of their efforts the school has been offered several opportunities including animals for next years show team and packages for Jerilderie Artificial Insemination services.
A big thanks to Mrs Langley & Mr Shady for taking on the Easter Challenge and helping with the care and support for the students that represented the school.