Whole School Activities

Lower Division have been studying narrative as part of our current English unit.


We have been reading the book "A Dark, Dark Tale" by Ruth Brown that tells us the story of  a cat's journey, with a surprise at the end. Our class drew some of their memories - here are some examples.


In Mathematics, we have been learning about patterns, and seeing how we can recognise patterns all around us. We have worked all togeher as well as in smaller groups to make our own patterns and explain them to each other.


We are also examining how things grow, and are attempting to germinate some seeds in our classroom. We have put our seeds in damp cotton wool in bags on our window and we will record our obervations - hopefully we will see some developments.


We are enjoying having our Hearing Support Teacher, Linda Bishop at our school this year providing AUSLAN lessons to our students.


It is lovely to see our students so engaged in these lessons, thank you Linda.