From the Classroom

Grade 1
We are very excited to share some highlights from our Grade 1 adventures! Our students are very enthusiastic about their learning which is great to see. Reading has certainly been a highlight in our classroom. Students are building their reading stamina and are really enjoying selecting their own just right books as well as fiction and non fiction texts. During our mini lessons, we have been concentrating on the comprehension strategies through using a weekly class big book. This helps our young readers understand and enjoy what they are reading even more. We are also improving our writing every day and we are now more confident with writing independently. Students have started using Ground, Grass, Sky books. They are learning where to place their letters on the lines. In maths, problem solving has been a big focus. Our students are loving our open ended challenges and have been developing their critical thinking skills. Our Grade 1 students are also enjoying Blitzmaster. Students practise answering addition or subtraction questions and it is a race against time! During theme, we have explored the ocean in our F-2 multiage groups. From discovering sea creatures to uncovering cool facts about the ocean, we have certainly improved our knowledge! Students have been busy working on their sea dioramas. In small groups they had to design and create a diorama about the sea using a variety of craft materials. Our Friendology lessons have also had a positive impact. We are learning how to deal with our friendships and are developing social skills along the way. We are already excited about Term 2 as we continue learning and growing together in the Grade 1 classroom.
Art Room News
The Grade 5/6 students have been working on creating a piece of graffiti art, based on the work of Australian graffiti artist Facter. Facter, or Fletcher Anderson, is a Melbourne based, multi-disciplinary artist best known for his large scale, colourful creatures. Grade 5/6 students studied his style of work, before designing their own creature to create using handmade stencils and black acrylic paint. Students then explored the graffiti art style by layering colourful paint pens over the top. Please enjoy these photos of the Grade 5/6 students and their work, which will be completed next week.
Science News
The Grade 1/2 students have worked really hard on their dinosaur habitats over the past couple of weeks. We learnt all about what the environment was like when the dinosaurs lived, and created our own version of a landscape using coloured paper. Then, we chose our favourite dinosaur to make out of plasticine. I couldn’t resist sharing these amazing creations with you. Well done to all the dinosaur crazed students!
The Grade 3/4 students have finished the term by learning about the germination process. We learnt about terminology dormant/dormancy, and what a seed needs to begin the germination process. Students have been so excited to come into the Science area and watch their seeds grow over the past week. It has been a great way to complete our learning about plants and animals, and how they work together to bring new life to the plant world. Students will be bringing their bean seedlings home tomorrow.