Chinese News

This term in Chinese the students have really out done themselves!


Grade 2s have learnt to count, to answer the role, Chinese words for animals and for different places but to top it all off: they have begun reading in Chinese! They have also started learning how to draw Chinese symbols and look at the stories that make them up to help to better remember them.


Grade 3s have been looking at how we say to ‘know’ somebody or to know something. We’ve learnt to talk about making friends and read a story ‘No friends for Voldemort’ in Chinese and showed our understanding by answering questions. We’ve even started making up our own stories!


Grade 4s have done as much as grade three but also looked at how to say that you are doing something for somebody else.


Our Grade 5 and 6s have reviewed the learning of the younger years but in addition have learnt to understand and build stories that use ‘if … then …’ structures such as ‘If you play Minecraft with Patrick then you will make friends with him’


Our students our doing incredible learning in Chinese. It’s a joy to be a part of it.