Over the past week at DASH the children have been exploring aerodynamics by making somersaulting frogs, making frog in the pond and baking froggy cupcakes. Children have been getting active outdoors while listening and looking out for frogs in the school garden. This has given the DASH educators the opportunity to watch the children connect and contribute to the world, research and investigate all while communicating with their fellow frog loving DASH friends. 


This week we are excited to be celebrating National Harmony Week, where the children will be exploring cultural diversity and getting along. It has been so great to see the children learning and participating in the activities planned for such a special week. 


Also, a reminder to all the families that our DASH vacation care program is out and we are currently taking bookings, places are limited. If you’re booking has not been accepted, please know that we have added you to our waitlist and will contact you if spots become available.