Year 12 Focus

What's On 

Pathways to Medicine

Clinical Aptitude Test Registrations Open

There are now three pathways into medicine in WA that require you to do the UCAT test. 

  1. Medicine at Curtin or 
  2. Into the UWA Assured Pathway to Medicine and Dentistry 
  3. Notre Dame Assured Pathway 

To be offered a place in any of these three pathways you need: amazing ATAR scores, a great UCAT score and have an interview or do the CASPER test.   The UCAT testing begins on 1 July and runs through to 9 August. 

You can register here

You can see key dates HERE. 


Practice Tests

There are many hints and practice tests on the UCAT page. 


Check AI for tips

I asked ChatGPT “what could I do to improve my UCAT score” and it gave 6 good suggestions which I think would improve my result.


Paying for UCAT preparation courses

I get bombarded with ads from companies that want me to promote their UCAT preparation courses. I have been to information sessions at UWA and at Churchlands High School where we were advised that the tests on the UCAT site are more than adequate and not to bother with the paid preparation courses. 

Regional candidates for medicine

Curtin University provides significant support to RRR students who want to apply for medicine. If you live in a regional area check So you want to be in a doctor, but you live in the bush. 

Uni Ready toolkit

This Uni Ready toolkit was designed by students in NSW. It is designed to assist students with their transition from school to university. 


Get insider tips, study strategies, and peer support to help you navigate the leap from high school to university.


* Uncover the differences between high school and uni learning.* Master 'Study Smart' techniques for effective time management.* Navigate texts and assessments like a pro.* Develop critical thinking skills crucial for success in any field.* Find academic support and your go-to people for advice.


The Uni Ready toolkit is a free resource created by the Access, Equity, and Inclusion team at UNSW in partnership with the University of Sydney and the University of Newcastle, supported by funding from the NSW Government.


Read more here.