Open Days

Upcoming tour dates

University Open Days start this month

Because students can apply for a place at university in 2025 from about April, universities now hold open days early in the year, and they now run more events throughout the year to help prospective students to make informed decisions. Coming up first:

Remember, you can apply for a place within a course at university and change your mind. And there is no advantage to applying for a place in a course early. 


A Guide to Open Days for Year 12 Students

  • Go with a buddy
  • Spend 3 – 4 hours there
  • Do campus tours, go to talks go to practical classes that are available.

10/10 TIPS

For students who KNOW what they want to do next year. 

At the Open Day:

  1. Explore subjects & pathways available for your preferred degree. 
  2. Explore teaching methodology – make sure you have face to face classes so that you get to know future colleagues and employers.
  3. Do they have industry placements later in the course?
  4. What scholarships and financial support are available. 
  5. Find what study support is available – student mentors, free “learn to study” classes, referencing and writing classes, pastoral care. 
  6. What is the biggest barrier to success experienced by current students? 
  7. Arrange to see a professional career advisor to discuss your thoughts. 

Check out this information.


7/10 TIPS

For Students who are fairly sure about what they want to do.

  1. Go online BEFORE the Open Day and check out the handbooks relating to the courses that interest you.
  2. Narrow down to a maximum of 4 courses to check out. 
  3. Follow the same steps as those above. You may need more than one meeting with a professional career advisor. They are usually free and can save you a year of your life and $10,000 worth of mistakes. 

4/10 TIPS

For students who might want to uni

  1. Check First in Family to Go to Uni
  2. Talk to a career advisor – at school, at a uni or at a Jobs and Skills Centre. They are free and they may save you a year of your life and $10,000 (WHICH YOU HAVE TO PAY EVEN IF YOU DROP OUT OF UNI AFTER A YEAR). 
  3. Check Gap Year Opportunities. (I will update this later in the year as 2025 opportunities are published.)
  4. Follow tips for 7/10 Students who are fairly sure about what they want to do. 

To read quick tips and advice on how to make the most of your day go HERE. 


Year 11 – A Step by Step Guide to Open Days  

Year 11 results are taken into account if you apply for an early offer. By knowing what university, you want to go to and what course you want to take, you can focus on achieving the required ATAR and prerequisites. 


Big Tip: Plan to go with a friend. If they know the sorts of things you are looking for, they will ask questions that you may not think of and give you good feedback. 

To read the Step by Step Guide go HERE.


Year 10 – Ready, Steady, Go to University Open Days

Before you make your Year 10 subject selection, go to university open days to find out what courses you are interested, what ATAR score you need and what prerequisite and recommended courses you should take.