Travel Opportunities

Projects abroad

Rotary Youth Exchange

31 March 2024: Applications Close for Rotary Youth Exchange 2025

Rotary Youth Exchange students spend 12 months in a foreign country with board and accommodation provided by host families. 


  • make lifelong friends, 
  • expand their world views and 
  • have a brilliant time. 

Students must be between the ages of 15 and 18 on the 1 January of the year of their exchange. 

Contact Rotary Youth Exchange Western Australia for details on how to apply. 

Law or a Gap Year? 

Projects Abroad has launched Law & Human Rights in Tanzania designed for teens aged 15 to 18. This project offers a unique opportunity to enter the world of justice and make a difference in the vibrant city of Arusha.


Alongside local lawyers, you’ll work on real legal cases, empowering women to defend their rights. You’ll also campaign for critical issues such as illiteracy and domestic violence.


Living with fellow teenagers, you’ll prepare presentations, conduct interviews, and attend court hearings. This provides unbeatable hands-on experience while actively contributing to human rights in Tanzania.

Find out more HERE