Student Awards 

Student of the Term - Term 1 2024

PEWyatt D. 3DPFor giving his absolute best at the House Athletics Day. Participating in every event with great enthusiasm and a big smile on his face! Well done Wyatt!
PETavis T. 6SCFor stepping up and showing both maturity and tolerance towards others during Summer Sport sessions. Well done Tavis.
PEArundi P. 5DCFor demonstrating great tennis skills and being selected to represent WHPS at Division level. Great work Arundi!
PELiam A. 2CLFor always participating with great enthusiasm and giving every task your best efforts. Great work Liam!
Visual ArtsAxel R. 2CLFor your enthusiasm and interest towards all art activities and for being prepared to experiment with new techniques. You are an delight to have in the class Axel!
Visual ArtsZach V. 6JSFor the focus and attention to detail you demonstrate towards your art projects. Keep creating and inspiring with your exciting and colourful artwork Zach!!
Visual ArtsSerena M. 3JNSerena's enthusiasm and talent is evident when producing art projects and she shows a willingness to explore new techniques and processes. Congratulations on a great term's work Serena!
Visual ArtsMason W. 4MGFor producing excellent design and collage skills when creating your 'Aussie Thongs' artwork. Your attention to detail and use of symmetry was outstanding. Well done, Mason!
Lote -MandarinNarbhavi D. 1HQFor putting your best effort in completing all the work during Mandarin sessions. Keep up the good work Narbhavi!
Lote - MandarinAndong W. 3LDFor consistently challenging yourself in learning and actively seeking improvement in Mandarin lessons. Congratulations Andong!
Lote - MandarinRyan T. 5DCFor always showing enthusiasm and working diligently during Mandarin lessons. Great work Ryan!
Lote - FrenchAlly C. 6TJFor working in her own time to learn more French and for her participation in the Poetry competition. Bravo Ally!
Lote - FrenchAshray P. 4OKFor learning French at such a fast pace and having great recall. Ash is a most reliable class contributor!
Lote - FrenchArifa A. 2CLFor her eagerness to learn and practice her French and for her great class contributions. Bravo Arifa!
Performing ArtsGeorgia V. 4OKFor her wonderful attitude and enthusiasm for dance. Well done Georgia!
Performing ArtsViaan B. 5TLFor being so enthusiastic and showing plenty of skill and knowledge in our lessons. Well done Viaan!
Performing ArtsDiya S. 1SQFor your consistent enjoyment and enthusiasm when learning new things in Performing Arts lessons. You are a superstar Diya!
Performing ArtsSummer C. PNAFor the confidence and enthusiasm you show during Performing Arts lessons. Keep up the great work Summer!
RoboticsAnnan W. 2CLFor always trying your best in STEM sessions. It was fantastic to see you combining your Mathematics Skills with robotics to achieve some great results. Well done Annan!
RoboticsEthan B. 2EBFor always working hard to complete challenges during STEM classes. It was clear you have a lot of STEM knowledge and can use that to make some great algorithms. Well done Ethan, you should be very proud of your efforts! 
RoboticsAndrew W. 6JSFor consistently putting in 100% during STEM sessions. You displayed a strong understanding of Design, ICT and Science and combined those skills to make some fantastic robots. Keep up the great work Andrew!
RoboticsAnnis W. 6TJFor working well with your team to build some great robots. It was very impressive to see you apply your engineering skills each week. You showed some great skills in designing, creating and testing unique robots that met the goal each week. 
EALCharlotte L. 3EBFor showing significant improvement in learning about MSL and acquiring new vocabulary. Keep up the great work Charlotte!
LibraryJason N. 6LVFor always contributing thoughtful and insightful ideas to text discussions and having a keen eye and ear for historical details. Keep up the wonderful effort Jason!
LibraryMelody S. PBCFor being an excellent listener in Library lessons and always happily borrowing with a big smile. Well done Melody!
LibraryMyra B. 2SPFor showing great responsibility in the Library and always giving thoughtful answers about the books we share. You’re a superstar Myra!
LibraryEzra R. 4MGFor always being such an enthusiastic reader who is happy to share recommendations and ideas about books read. Fantastic effort Ezra!