From our Business Manager

Larissa Clark


With the change in weather, there has been lots of lost property around the school. (especially jackets).

  • Please label all clothing (then we can return it when found).
  • Parents are welcome to check the 2 lost property bins (located in the General Office & Gym).

2024 Parent Payments (School Contributions)

Parent Payments (School Contributions), cover the cost of your students' supplies used at school as part of their learning.  


The school has already paid and supplied student digital learning program login, arts and classroom learning supplies.  


If you have not already made the 2024 Contribution (Via Compass/Course Confirmation & Payments), we would appreciated if you could please make a contribution before Term 2.


We can break down the payments into smaller payments over the school year.  Please contact us to make arrangements.

Water Safety Over the School Holidays... a message from DET

We know many families head away during the school holidays to locations near water, including lakes, rivers and beaches.


To help families stay safe around water these school holidays, please find some information from DET regarding water safety resources for parents and carers:

  • Surf Life Saving Australia’s Beachsafe website where you can view a location and the closest patrolled beaches (available in 132 languages – click on the ‘Select language’ tab). This information is also available in an app which you can download from the Beachsafe website. The app includes videos with tips for visiting Australian beaches, in 8 languages: English, Arabic, Hindi, Korean, Japanese, Malay, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
  • Vic Emergency’s Get to know our warning signs website, including posters translated into Arabic, Dari, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

Life Saving Victoria’s Water safety tips.