OSHC Information

OSHC Newsletter - 28th March 2024

Term 1 Ends

We have had a great term with the new preps all settling in and the Grade 2 children enjoying the gym as their new home. We have moved the Grade 5 & 6 children into their own space in the Music portable for ASC.


We got our singing on with BSC Karaoke Fridays and we have had breakfast outside welcoming teachers and watching Hot Air balloons fly by.

We are planning some great adventures for next term.


Vacation Care Program

We have limited spaces left for the April Vacation Care Program.

With some days fully booked out please contact us quickly if you need to use the program.


OSHC Donations Please

April Vacation Care program has an activity that requires clean tin cans. If you have any around and happy to drop them off to OSHC they will be put to a new and creative use.


We are also getting low on spare clothing for our younger children who have the occasional accident.

If you have some old clothing (doesn’t have to be school uniform) we would realty appreciate donations of shorts or tracksuit pants in Sizes 5 to 8.


Sharyn and the OSHC team

0409 007 104
