Parents' Association News

Connection, Information & Feedback

For those families that are new to the school, the BSC Parents' Association is aimed at strengthening the relationship between school and parents. The purpose of the association is to foster connection and communication between the school community. We look forward to a fantastic year of building connections for our students, families and staff within our Beaumaris Secondary College community.

2024 Committee Members

  • Clifford Francis - President (Year 9 & 11 parent)
  • Vivienne Woollett - Treasurer (Year 10 & 11 parent)
  • Shilpa Prajapati - Secretary (Year 8 & 12 parent).

We are delighted to have been re-elected as committee members following our AGM last week. Together, we look forward to fostering a strong and supportive community for all parents and students. 


Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 8 May at 6pm. Subsequent meetings will be held quarterly at the school. Dates as follows:

  • Wednesday 21 August (6 - 7pm)
  • Tuesday 22 October (6 - 7pm)

We welcome parents to attend our meetings: they are informal and personable. You are always welcome to come along and join us - whether it’s every meeting or just one. It’s a great opportunity to meet other parents and staff, share feedback, raise queries and obtain critical information about the school. Bring a gold coin and become a financial member of the association. All members are required to hold a Working with Children Check. 


We are most fortunate and grateful to have Debby Chaves (Principal) attend our meetings, where she updates us on recent events and developments at the school. There is the opportunity for discussion.  


We usually have a guest speaker from within the school to discuss relevant topics. If anyone has ideas on topics they want to hear about, please reach out to us. 

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for the following upcoming events:

  • Ladies Lunch - Saturday 19 October
  • Father's Day


We welcome feedback and aim to act as a liaison between the school and our parent community. 

Come along to our meetings and share your ideas and thoughts. In the meantime, please feel free to contact us at


Parents' Association Committee

Clifford Francis (President)

Vivienne Woollett (Treasurer)

Shilpa Prajapati (Secretary)

Clifford Francis
Vivienne Woollett
Shilpa Prajapati
Clifford Francis
Vivienne Woollett
Shilpa Prajapati