Counsellor's Corner

Lofty ambition

Breaking Down SMART Goals

Have you ever found yourself with lofty ambitions but unsure of how to transform them into reality? That's where SMART goals come in – acting as our reliable roadmaps, guiding us toward success one step at a time.


Let's simplify the concept:


Specific: Instead of vague notions, let's crystallise our objectives.  For instance, rather than stating "I want to get outside more," let's be specific: "I commit to spending a minimum of 15 minutes outdoors engaging in physical activity every day after school."


Measurable: It's time to monitor our progress! We can implement creative methods like a sticker chart to visualise our achievements. Remember, celebrating those small victories fuels our motivation!


Achievable: By breaking our goals into manageable tasks, such as preparing nutritious snacks or scheduling activities, every action contributes to our overall objective.

Open this link to find out more:


Wishing you all a restful holidays and a happy and Holy Easter.


Mrs Ebony Kriedemann

School Counsellor