School Operations

Mrs Shannon Allen

Looking Ahead

What a magnificent Term One we have had at St George’s! 

Term Two reminders:

  • School commences on Tuesday 16 April
  • Students are to wear winter uniform, as per the attached policy, including wearing a blazer to and from school each day and every day so that we consistently show our best selves to the world around us.

Please note that the uniform policy has been changed to allow school grey shorts to be worn during winter terms and the formal tie can be work with both the blouse and the shirt. 

  • We will have a Whole School Chapel Service from 9.00-10.00am. All Year 7 to 12 students will require their blazer (not leaver’s jacket) on this day.

Year 10 Vaccinations

Immunisations for Year 10 students occurred this week. Any students who missed this round of vaccinations due to absence are able to follow this up with their GP or wait until the catch-up immunisation day on 5 November. 


WA Student Assistance Payment

Recently the WA State Government announced the introduction of cost-of-living support to WA families. The initiative is aimed to support families with school-aged children. The new WA Student Assistance will provide parents and carers with a $250 payment for each secondary student, and $150 for each primary school student or kindergartener.


To access this payment, families will need to register through the ServiceWA App from the start of Term 2 (15 April). This will require your child’s WA Student Number, which can be found on the front cover of our St George’s school reports and on a student’s Smartrider. 

Further information from the WA State Government, about this initiative, can be found at

Name the Crane Competition

441 Murray Street will quickly become the new home of St George’ Anglican Grammar School. We will begin using these new facilities from July 2025. 


A crane will be erected in the next few weeks to begin the refurbishment and fit out process including the addition of new floors so to allow us the space to expand and grow.


The crane needs a name! We are now seeking your suggestions for a suitable name for our crane. Think about it over the holidays.


The competition closes on Wednesday 24 April and is open to all students and staff. 

There will be 10 house tokens and a box of chocolates for the winner – as well as the honour of having the crane named of course. 

Write down your suggestion and drop it into Reception.


Name the Crane Competition

Crane’s Name

Why? (25 words or less)


Mrs Shannon Allen

Head of Operations