Principal's Post

Mrs Tina Campbell

Wishing you all an egg-cellent holiday!

We have made it to the end of a very busy, but enjoyable first term - and what a term it has been. So much fun and excitement with lots to celebrate as we come to Easter holidays. 

We have worked hard together to ensure that our 2024 School Theme of RESPECT has shone through in all of Term One’s activities. The Gandhi House Colour Run to conclude the school term was indeed a scene of much fun and laughter this afternoon at Ozone Reserve. My sincere thanks to Miss Perejmibida, the Gandhi House PCG Tutors and all the Year 12 Student Leaders who made the afternoon such a successful one for all involved as well as raising funds for UNICEF.


Our swimmers were incredible at the ACC Swimming Championships last week, taking out victory in the Division D competition by only three points. It was a nail-biting finish to say the least. My deepest appreciation goes to not only our outstanding swimmers but to the Phys Ed Team who have been supporting the training of our squad throughout the term. A special thank you too to Will Owen as our 2024 Sports Captain whose acceptance speech was both humble and heartfelt. A wonderful win for St George’s and our ACC Swim Squad. 


Sounds at Sunset was performed in a different venue this year, but the music remained as sensational as ever. It was a delightful evening shared with our many talented musicians and brought to life by our wonderful Music Department Staff – thank you to Michael Newton, Lynette Taylor, Ryan McBride and Euan MacMillian. 


The 441 Murray Street update was sent yesterday to all our families. It was such exciting news to share with you and has been in the planning and vision stages since the purchase of the building in 2021. From July 2025 we will be located at 50 William Street and441 Murray Street. We will have access to 15 new classrooms, five new Science Laboratories, an outstanding new canteen with an outdoor terrace play area, new performance spaces for drama, dance and music and new elective spaces allowing us to offer Food Technologies, Mechatronics, and Woodwork. I hope you share in my excitement as 441 begins to take shape. 


See pictures and read more here: 



Easter traditionally is a time of great joy in the Christian calendar where we come together to celebrate the miracle of the Resurrection of Jesus. It is a season of hope where with His sacrifice, Jesus brought us the promise of new life both on Earth and in Heaven. In this season of rebirth, may you feel your faith renewed and your heart made new with the hope and joy that Easter brings. 


The Year 12s in Extended PCG this week were able to hear of the faith journey of Dr Meg Warner, a biblical scholar and teacher who lectures at King’s College London and Exeter University in the UK. She is visiting Perth as a guest of St George’s Cathedral and it was wonderful for our students to hear how much joy, fun and adventure that her own faith has brought her in her own life. My hope is that her message resonated with some of our students as an Anglican School. 


As we come to the end of Term One, I wish you and all your family and friends a safe, happy, hopeful, and Holy Easter break.


Term Two begins in earnest for all students on Tuesday 16 April



Warmest wishes,

Mrs Tina Campbell
