Student Achievements

Top Designs

VCE Systems Engineering project at Top Designs 2024


We are thrilled to announce that Jamie Phelps has been chosen to showcase his VCE Systems Engineering project at Top Designs 2024, hosted at the Melbourne Museum.


Top Designs is a prestigious annual exhibition organized by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) in collaboration with Museums Victoria. It highlights exceptional design projects crafted by VCE and VCE VET students from schools throughout Victoria.


Jamie's innovative Rubik’s Cube solver has been selected as one of only eight Systems Engineering projects featured in this year's exhibition. These chosen works represent the pinnacle of innovation, skill, and creativity achievable within the Victorian Curriculum.


Jamie's Rubik’s Cube solver can be seen at the Top Designs display at the Melbourne Museum, open from Saturday, 23rd March to Sunday, 14th.



Photo is of Jamie Phelps with his Systems Engineering project on display at the Melbourne Museum