VCE News and Key Dates



General Achievement Test

  • All students who study a Unit 3/4 sequence (Yr12 or 2nd Yr VET subject) are required to sit the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Tuesday June 18
  • This test provides students with an opportunity to meet the Victorian Literacy and Numeracy standards which they may need for entrance into future education and training, and it plays an important role in quality assurance of VCE assessments for scored VCE students.
  • The GAT will be held in the school library and learning centres.
  • Students require a dictionary, scientific calculator, pen and grey lead pencil to complete this test.
  • It is important to note this is a VCAA exam and cannot be rescheduled for family holidays or other commitments. 
  • For all other students not sitting the GAT this will be a student free day. 
  • To ensure they are prepared students will be given all required information for the test in an assembly during the first week of June.