Principal's Report

Welcome back to Term 2. I’d like to thank the large number of you who reached out with a message of support following the announcement of my appointment as the substantive principal of Belmont High.
I see the position of principal at Belmont High as an honour and a privilege. The sense of community, dedication, and passion for excellence that defines Belmont High is something I’m excited to continue to be a part of. Together, we have laid a strong foundation of innovation, inclusivity, and academic excellence. I am thrilled at the opportunity to continue this journey with you, building on the great work we have already started.
I look forward to deepening our school’s connection to community and exploring new opportunities that enhance our students’ learning experiences. My door is always open, and I am eager to hear your thoughts and ideas on how we can further enrich our school environment.
School Tours School tours will continue throughout Term 2 on Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:30. This is a great opportunity to see the school in operation and gives a real insight into what learning looks like at Belmont High School. Bookings for these tours can be made through the CompassTix.
ANZAC Ceremony
On Wednesday 24th April the staff and students held a General Assembly which included a special tribute to ANZAC Day. This is a time to reflect, think about and thank those who have, and continue to, give significantly to our country, many with their lives. In 2008, Belmont High School commenced an ongoing association with the ‘Rats of Tobruk’ when we took custodianship of their Banner, which we proudly display in our school library. This association continues and we thank Judy Fogarty (daughter of one of the soldiers) for her attendance at this tribute. Thank you also to the students, School Captains and Andrew Dowling for their organisation and contributions. A special mention also goes out to Christopher McKenzie who played the last post during the assembly.
Whole School Curriculum Day
A reminder that Tuesday 30th April is one of our whole school curriculum planning days. This day will be student free.
In alignment with our school's commitment to continuous improvement in teaching and learning, this day will focus on the "Engage" and "Reflect" aspects of our lesson framework. The professional development initiatives will prioritize both a teaching and learning lens and a wellbeing focus to ensure holistic development of our staff and students.
The purpose of this day and the work to come out of it is to promote the following improvements:
• Enhance Teacher Effectiveness: Equip teachers with strategies to engage students more effectively in the learning process.
• Promote Student Wellbeing: Integrate wellbeing into daily lessons to support student mental and emotional health.
• Encourage Reflective Practice: Foster a culture of reflection among teachers and students to enhance learning outcomes.
Belmont High Athletics Carnival
What an incredible display of spirit and endeavour we witnessed at this today’s Belmont High School Athletics Carnival! It was terrific to see students & staff embracing the event with such enthusiasm and house pride.
Each House displayed vibrant colours and cheers that echoed throughout the day, creating a lively and festive atmosphere. The participation level was remarkably high, with everyone getting involved, whether as competitors, supporters, or volunteers. This event not only showcased our students' athletic talents but also strengthened our sense of community.
Belmont High – What makes us BHS.
As we continue to grow and evolve as a community at Belmont High, it's important that we all have a clear understanding of the behaviours and values that define us. Over the coming months, I will be reaching out to staff, students, and parents to gather your insights and feedback. This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone in our school community to voice what makes Belmont High special to them.
The information we collect will be invaluable in crafting a guiding document that outlines the behaviours and values we cherish and expect from one another as members of the Belmont High community. This document will serve not just as a reminder of our shared commitments but also as a beacon guiding our daily interactions and decisions.
I am excited to hear from all of you and look forward to working together to articulate what truly makes our community unique. For parents, this feedback will begin at the Parent’s
Association meeting on Monday 6th May from 7:15pm in our main admin building. All parents are welcome. We will then look to bring back this work to council as it progresses.
Josh Baker