Food Technology and iCreate Westall Cafe

Ms Leanne Read

Message from the 

Food Technology Coordinator 

Ms Leanne Read

Students Visited Fair Share 

Students went on an excursion helping to preparing meals for charity in a not-for-profit community setting. We hope that their experience in the School’s Kitchen has inspired them and reinforced the idea that anyone and everyone can help others who are less fortunate.  


The students helped:

unload the van,  cut 45kg of carrots, assembled and packed 267 tandoori and chickpea with rice meals, cleaned and reset the kitchen!

Here are some pictures below from students working in the kitchen! 

Protein pancakes for Mr Tickner by VM Personal Development Year 10 students Terrance and Kristos.
Protein pancakes for Mr Tickner by VM Personal Development Year 10 students Terrance and Kristos.

Ms Lee Read

Food Technology Coordinator