Junior School Report

Ms Jessika Cichy 

Message from the

Director of Learning

Junior School

Ms Jessika Cichy

As we wrap up another exciting term here at Westall in the Junior School, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the journey we've embarked on together and celebrate some of the remarkable achievements of our students. I am proud to report that our Junior School students have navigated this term with resilience and determination, embodying the spirit of our theme of high expectations. Our staff have also been nothing short of amazing – working hard throughout the term to ensure all students are supported and working at their very best. Thank you everyone!


Recap of the Term’s highlights:

Firstly, I want to extend a special congratulations to those students who showcased their talents and sportsmanship at the recent swimming carnival. It was a joy to witness their enthusiasm and skill, especially those who emerged as our age champions. Your achievements are a testament to your hard work and commitment, and we commend you for representing our school with pride.


In the spirit of celebration, we also marked the end of term 1 Westall Way winners with a delicious treat of ice creams and chocolates. It was a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge and reward the positive behaviour and contributions of our students 😊 Well done to everyone!


Lastly, our Junior School embarked on an awesome day camp excursion yesterday where more than half of our cohort was able to immerse themselves in fun and adventure. Students were given opportunities to participate in activities such as leap of faith, mountainboarding, flying fox or archery, as well as flex their teamwork skills with orienteering or hut building. With the weather treating us well, it was a heartwarming sight to see our students having a go and cheering each other on, and I want to express my gratitude to our dedicated Junior School staff for their commitment to creating memorable experiences for our students.


Coming Up:

Looking ahead to the new term, we are excited to kickstart another chapter of learning and growth at Westall Junior School. Term 2 will commence on Monday, April 15th, 2024. Shortly after, on Friday, 19th April 2024, our Year 7 & 10 immunisation program for 2024 will take place – Year 7s were given paper forms for this last week Thursday after assembly. Please have these returned to us as soon as possible. 


Finally, as we transition into the cooler months, I kindly remind parents and students that full winter uniform will be expected from the start of Term 2. This includes appropriate attire to ensure warmth and comfort during the chillier weather. 


Should you have any questions or concerns as we enter the new term, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Your feedback and collaboration are invaluable as we continue to support the success of every child at Westall Junior School.


Wishing you all a wonderful, restful, and enjoyable break, filled with moments of joy and relaxation. Thank you again!


Ms Jessika Cichy

Director of Learning Junior School

Ranch Day Excursion