Middle School Report

Ms Michelle Collins

Message from the 

Director of  Learning

Middle School

 Ms Michelle Collins

Wow, what a wonderful term and a great start to 2024! I would like to thank all of the students and staff in the Middle School for a fantastic term. It has been so lovely to see all of our students attending every day with smiles on their faces and participating in their classes and activities with enthusiasm. 


We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our wonderful parents and guardians for your support. We would also like to remind you of the important role that Compass plays in your child’s education. As a parent or guardian, you can advise the school of your child’s absences, communicate with their teachers, view their schedule and attendance history, provide consent for excursions and activities, and view their assessments and academic progress.


Compass is available via web browser or downloadable iOS or Android apps. If you have trouble accessing Compass or you have forgotten your password, please contact the school and we can assist you. 


We have lots of exciting events coming up in Term 2 including our Middle School Camp to Philip Island, our Westall Careers Expo, Year 10 Work Experience and lots more! We hope that students use the holiday break to get some rest and recharge their batteries! We look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday, April 15th.

Year 9 Careers Expo Visit

On Thursday 21st March, Year 9 students were given the opportunity to attend the BGKLLN Careers Expo at Beaumaris Secondary College. Students were able to speak with exhibitors about future study and career options and they asked some great questions. Thank you to BGKLLN for our invitation and to Ms Borgonha, Ms Barb, Ms Kim, Mr Tarwala, Mr Tickner, Ms Koka and Ms Pham for their organisation and support in running the excursion.

CSEF – Camp, Sports and Excursions Fund

As you may be aware, the Victorian Government provides a Camps, Sports, and Excursion Fund (CSEF) to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps, and sporting activities. For secondary students, this amount is $250. The cut-off date to apply for this funding in 2024 is June 28th.

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families.


For more information or to complete an application form, please speak to your child’s YLC or the front office.


Coming up in Term 2:

Year 10 Immunisations

Early next term, Year 10 students will be provided with the opportunity to receive their free meningococcal vaccine as part of the National Immunisation Program. 


Meningococcal disease is caused by bacteria. Although meningococcal disease is uncommon, it can become very serious, very quickly. Adolescents are at increased risk of meningococcal disease and more likely to spread the disease to others. Death can occur in up to 10 per cent of cases. Occasionally, severe infection can also occur in the joints, throat, lungs or intestines. 


Please register your consent for the immunisation via this link: WSC Year 10 Immunisation Link


Year 10 Work Experience

Year 10 students have been participating in workshops to prepare them for work experience in Term 2. Students have identified their areas of strength and aligned these with possible career options. Work experience is a great opportunity for students to explore their future career options and to gain some practical skills in a workplace. They will also undertake workplace health and safety training to ensure they follow safety guidelines while at their workplace. 


Students should now be finalising their Work Experience placements in preparation for their Work Experience week from Monday 24th June until Friday 28th June. Students need to return their completed ‘Work Experience Arrangement Form’ to secure their place.


Year 9 Morrisby Career Profiling

On Wednesday 1st May, all Year 9 students will be completing a career profile assessment to identify their strengths and possible career pathways. The profiling questions match students with potential jobs based on their abilities, interests, and personality profile. Students will then meet with a career consultant later in the year to discuss their results and their potential careers. Parental/guardian consent is required for this assessment so please provide your consent for this assessment via the Compass event. 


Classroom Corner

For snapshot of what is happening in our In Middle School Science refer to the Science and STEM News in the newsletter.


An update on Middle school students who have been busy in the kitchen, helping at the breakfast club, and working for the community at Fare Share this term.


A small group of students travelled to a community kitchen in Alphington by train and helped produce some tasty meals. They emptied a truck and put fruit and vegetables into a large cool room, chopped many kilograms of vegetables for a chickpea curry, and portioned over 200 meals for a later date.


As usual, our students showed a great attitude to helping out, it wasn’t easy work, and no one gave up. Congratulations on getting to school early and helping the community with healthy eating.


Breakfast Club has been running 3 days a week this term with a delightful menu of fresh fruit, toast, cereal, milo, and fresh orange juice. The Old Canteen has a lovely buzz in the mornings as students from both the secondary college, the primary school, and kindergarten come to fill their tummies before heading off to study. Look out for our new bunting, cheese toasties, and yogurt next term. 


Special thanks to teachers, support staff, and especially Year 10 students Kirby Volfango, Tristan Chan, and Tianqi Li who have got up early and opened at the crack of dawn, well done for your contribution to the Westall Community. 


Ms Lee Read

Food Tech Coordinator and 

Ms Michelle Collins

Director of Learning Middle School