Assistant Principal (VM) Report 

Mr Travis Mcintosh

Report from Assistant Principal Travis Mcintosh

Dear students, parents and guardians,

As the term draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the Westall Community a safe break. 


School holidays are a great opportunity to relax from the rigours of school and work, catch up with family and friends, but also a valuable time to reflect on the term, build on your strengths but to look at ways of how you can improve. 


I came across the Japanese concept of Kaizen recently that I think we can all taken something from, and it centres around the philosophy of improvement. 


The philosophy of Kaizen is incredibly helpful in both our personal and professional lives. Instead of trying to make radical life changes overnight or setting New Years resolutions with lofty and unattainable goals, it’s about starting with small, daily improvements. Focus on getting 1% better each and every day. This could be as simple as getting up early at the same time each day to establish a routine so that you have more time to get organized in the morning, perhaps go for a walk, having breakfast or morning mindfulness. It's not about being invincible, it's about being unstoppable. 


I think sometimes students can get overwhelmed with the long term, rather than taking each day at a time and if we can aim to take small steps one at a time, ultimately it will take us to where we want to be. 


For those students in the Vocational Major program, the holidays provide an opportunity to get out and about to secure a structured work placement (SWL). What is SWL? It is on the job training during which a student is expected to practice a set of skills or competencies, related to the VET certificate in which they are enrolled. This is a compulsory component to the Vocational Major Program and students should have a placement at the commencement of Term 2. For students needing extra support, please contact Ms Geraldine Borgonha or their Work-Related Skills teacher for the further information. 


The benefits for students participating in structured workplace learning include, but are not limited to:

  • Improving understanding of the work environment and employers’ expectations
  • Increasing motivation to continue study and/or undertake further training.
  • Enhancing opportunities for part‑time and casual employment
  • Providing opportunities to develop and gain work-related competencies.
  • Providing opportunities to develop contacts with potential employers.
  • Exposing students to the ‘real’ world of work

 On another note, next term will see me add to my portfolio middle school. This will fit in nicely with the work the school is undertaking this year with the Guaranteed Viable Curriculum and I look forward to working closely with Michelle Collins, Director of Learning and her team. 


Take care,

Mr Travis Mcintosh

Assistant Principal (VM, VPC, VP -Yr 10)