Sports News

Mr Kristian Gropel & Sean Weston

Report from Health & PE Coordinator

Kristian Gropel & Sean Weston

Swimming Carnival 2024

I’d like to firstly say a huge thank you to all the staff and students who assisted on the day. Your help was greatly appreciated and without it, our swimming day would not have been so successful.


Also a big shout out to the sport, house and school captains who went above and beyond in rejuvenating the carnival. Special mention to Emily D and Larni F for putting in a huge amount of work into the day! A quick comparison shows that we had more than double the number of students compete in a race than in 2023 which is a great outcome! I announced the winner on Monday afternoon. However, here is another breakdown of the scores for each house.

In fifth place on 130 points, we had WELC 🏅

In fourth place on 583 points was Dennis 🏅

In third place on 634 points was Lawson 🥉

In second place on 664 points wasGordon🥈 In first place, with a whopping 1062 points we have Paterson 🥇


I hope everyone had a great time, GO LAWSON! Age Group Champions are as follows

Year 7 Boys – Ethan-Eli Szklarski Shelly

Year 7 Girls – Komal Kachwaha

Year 8 Boys – Rehan Meegammana

Year 8 Girls – Zoe Moulder

Year 9 Boys – Wilson Krai

Year 9 Girls – Kheng Hour

Year 10 Boys – Sirhan Mumtaz

Year 10 Girls – Alisa Chen

Year 11 Boys – Bilal Mohamed

Year 11 Girls – Annie Eng

Year 12 Boys – Ryan Le

Year 12 Girls – Izzy Prosser


Kristian Gropel

PE Coordinator

Photos from swimming Carnival  

Inclusion Team Ms Tickner, Ms Michiko and Miss Nadia
Inclusion Team Ms Tickner, Ms Michiko and Miss Nadia
Inclusion Team
Inclusion Team
Inclusion Team
Inclusion Team


Baseball Report from Middle School Students

Westall played super baseball to second spot on points at the Kingston District Intermediate Sports. We played at Kingston Park, opposite Moorabbin DFO at the Cheltenham baseball club. Our initial goal was to work together inside the diamond and defend well. Yulan was our start up pitcher, with Gavinn as our catcher. Kristian played first base. The boys played really well and we defeated Sandringham College. 


The team was happy, and we achieved our goal.

Unfortunately, in our second match, McKinnon was too strong. 6 of their players played at club level. They pitched very fast and straight, and we took some time to adjust.


Our match against Bentleigh was very close, with a final score of 10 to 9.  During that match Sameer, Jackson and Yulan pitched.   The later being the best player on the field. Other highlights were from Zagawan, who scored twice in two matches.  His friends in the dugout were going wild with excitement, calling him ‘Zaggy’ you’re a legend. Another player who gained in confidence match by match was Sukhraj, who was a solid fielder at third 

base. He helped to tag the runners trying to touch and those trying to score at home. He was our Captain.


Overall, we had a great day on the field and the boys learnt a great deal about the game and they developed a lot of character.  They all thanked Isabelle our year 12 assistant coach for helping, supporting the team and coaching from third base. 



 Calvin Ky (catcher)

Yulan Meegammana (pitcher, center outfielder) 

Byatara Murwaheltio (short stop)

Sameer Naeem (pitcher, second base)

Christian Pham (first base)

Sukhraj Singh (third base)

Jackson Hsin  (second base)

Falah Ramadhan (center outfield)

Isabelle Letter (assistant coach)

Andrew Eng (centre outfield)

Ghibran Deddy (right outfield)

Jayden Bharat (right outfield)

Wilson Krai (right outfield)

Alex Le Acar (left outfield) 

Zagawan Lee (right outfield)

Peng Lim (left outfield)


The Baseball Team

Year 9/10 Girls

 Tennis round robin

Congratulations to students Humaira Afghan, Sofia Borshch-Gamonal, Cathriya Oudennaar, Jade Petersen & Lily Tufuga who participated in the Intermediate Tennis Round Robin at Kings Park Tennis Club in Bentleigh. The students played 5 singles and doubles matches against other schools in the region. It was a tough competition but the girls played well and finished 6th overall. Well done!

Pictures of Taekwondo