Art/Technology News 

Ms Helen Ifandis 

Here is what's happening in Art! 

Ms Helen Ifandis - Arts/Technology Coordinator  



MUMA – Monash University Gallery

Workshop – David Egan 


AME students visited MUMA Gallery at Monash Caulfield on the 14th of March. 


The students were privileged to meet, and participate in a workshop with PHD artist David Egan. David Egan is an expert in colour theory and handling colour. 


His slide show and talk set the tone for the workshop to follow – which was to experiment with minimal colour hues and geometric shapes to create a small scale artwork on plywood.

The students’ artwork are now part of a large collaborative installation that will hang on the gallery walls of the MUMA Lab. 


Once the exhibition at MUMA is finished we will then re install at Westall Secondary College for our school audience to appreciate and admire.


The Landscape and Design students have been working on a range of projects in Term 1. They developed ideas based on their interests and skill level. The images below are an example of their work in progress as well as completed designs. The projects are in the form of murals, landscape garden ideas and redesigning of existing garden areas around the school.


The students are in the process of decorating ‘frogs’, ‘bugs’, water drops’, of a large scale as part of garden installation driven by renowned Australian artist ‘Anthony Breslin’. This large installation has over 60 pieces of 3D parts. The work is set to be completed in Term 2.


Below are some pictures of students and their work.



The students have been working on a unit of work – ‘Functional Fun Products’. 

Their first task was to create a pencil holder design to hold writing items of their choice, this was then finished with timer varnish or acrylic paint/gloss.

The students developed a range of skills in this task, these included – creative thinking, critical thinking, checking if the pencil holder is functional, shaping using a belt and disc sander and sandpaper, and application of varnish and paint medium.

Some of the students were so excited in the finish result, that they could not wait to take their work home pre assessment. I took photographs of their finished work so that I had evidence to grade it, the students could then take home to use, enjoy and be proud of their accomplishments.


The year 8 students have been learning about ‘Art and Time’ this term. Time in history and the development of art movements. They studied the work of Pablo Picasso, and his artistic influences giving rise to Cubism in the art world. The students explored one of Picasso’s very famous paintings of the ‘Weeping woman’ made in 1937. They enjoyed the fact that Australia owns one of his series of the ‘Weeping woman’, the work is on display at the International Gallery of Victoria.

The students developed ideas using the art elements of shape and colour to produce Cubist portraits. The portraits were made up of geometric, contour and organic shapes.


The brilliant colours of these art works dazzle with cheer and delight! You can enjoy these on display in the main school corridor.

Ms. Helen Ifandis

Arts/Technology Coordinator